Opening, Exhibition

million years ago

Maurizio Cirillo

18/11/2023 | 19:00
19/11 – 26/11/2023 Thu – Sun 14 – 19:00
WSB Studio, WUK
> Währinger Straße 59, Stiege 3, 1. Stock, 1090

Our time is characterised by human interventions in nature through which the habitability of the earth is increasingly threatened. It is necessary to rethink the role of humans as part of the system. In MILLION YEARS AGO, Maurizio Cirillo goes on a journey through the last 230 million years of our time and creates a space that unites both the diversity of nature and the transience of existence.

From the swamps of the Urdonau, to the high moor Meloner Au and steppe landscapes of Lower Austria, to tropical paradise like images of artificial ecosystems in greenhouses of botanical gardens and images of the underwater world. In the installation MILLION YEARS AGO Maurizio Cirillo reflects on the symbiotic and destructive dependence of man and nature.