C-41 Color Negative Development
In this introductory workshop you’ll learn the basics of developing your own 35mm or 120 color negative film
B/W Film Development
In this workshop you’ll learn the basics of developing your own 35mm or 120 black and white film
Photowalk with Jahan Saber
In this photowalk you’ll learn about do’s and don’ts of analog photography and the basics of taking photographs
Can Pinhole – Awfullorgramme 2
In this two hour workshop you will cover three different approaches to pinhole photography including learning how to take a unique ‘awfullogramme’ portrait.
Introduction to Lumen Prints
This workshop is for either beginners or intermediate learners who wish to develop their analogue and camera-less photographic skills and develop specific alternative photographic projects with a strong focus on Fine Art (e.g., composition, exposure, and image editing). Learners will be taken through the historical, technical, and creative aspects of fascinating alternative photographic processes.
Plant based Chemigrams
This workshop is for either beginners or intermediate learners who wish to develop their analogue and camera-less photographic skills and develop specific alternative photographic projects with a strong focus on Fine Art
Introduction to Phytograms
This workshop is for either beginners or intermediate learners who wish to develop their analogue and camera-less photographic skills and develop specific alternative photographic projects with a strong focus on Fine Art
Carbon Printing
This workshop will be a beginner’s level into the carbon printing process from a film negative.
Can Pinhole – Awfullorgramme 1
In this two hour workshop you will cover three different approaches to pinhole photography including learning how to take a unique ‘awfullogramme’ portrait.
Japanese Photo-Book Binding
During the workshop, you will have the opportunity to create your very own personal Japanese photo book in A4 format
RA-4 Color Printing Process
Beginners will be able to start printing on their own after a few hours while experienced printers will benefit from our advanced techniques repertoire.
REMIX total: Analog and digital
How can digital and analog be combined?
One box, one hole, one camera!
What can a homemade camera do that a smartphone can’t?
Polaroid Techniques (2 days à 3 h)
This is a workshop where photography knowledge is not required, but lot’s of creativity, imagination, a will to experiment.
Coating your own photo paper
Create your own liquid emulsions for black and white printing
Handmade silver gelatin is essentially a brand new old process.
Our workshop is for beginners. After a quick introduction and historic overview, you will learn how to prepare the needed chemicals and print your negatives.
Cyanotype is an 1842 photographic printing process discovered by John Herschel that produces a cyan blue image, also known as Prussian blue.
Albumen Print
In this hands-on workshop, participants will learn about the entire process of album printing and explore its application to your own artistic endeavors.
Wet Plate Collodion Process: Tintypes / Ambrotypes
Learn about the fascinating world of wet plate collodion photography with its unique look and learn how to make your own tintypes & ambrotypes in our studio in this one-day workshop.
Toner & Toning Techniques
In analog photography, toning is a method of altering the color of black and white photographs.
Mordançage Prozess
Our one-day workshop is designed for people who want to explore new methods of manipulating prints in the art and will take you from a quick overview about the chemicals used, to prints best suited for this technique to your own way of experimenting with this process.
Salt Print
In this practical workshop participants will go through the whole process of cyanotype and salt print and will explore its application in their own artistic activity.
Van Dyke Brown / Argyrotype
Arndt & Troos developed the Van Dyke Brown process in 1889. This late 19th Century process is similar to Cyanotype as an iron-based printing out process.
Digital Negatives for alternative printing processes
In this one-day workshop, we will walk you through a very successful and user-friendly digital negative workflow to learn how to edit your digital images and print them on an alternative transparency film.
Split Grade Printing
„Split-Grade Printing” is a darkroom technique of exposing variable contrast black and white paper using two exposures instead of a single one.